Progress: According to Webster’s dictionary it means advancement or improvement. Both definitions aptly apply to the young mason who is inclined to secure invaluable privileges our Craft preserves inviolate for worthy men. Three solemn pledges touting consequential effects, with accompanying charges, outlining the principles of conduct that define the qualities of membership, are the first stepping stones in an Ashlar’s pilgrimage to perfection.
The exercise of memorizing and reciting prose is very ancient and may very well have been the predominant agent that spurred early societies to create written language. Much later the scribe was replaced by the printed page. In many cases now, the printed word has been transformed through science into digital works, retaining substance, but, lacking tactile reference to its ink and paper past and surviving as electronic facsimiles. Importantly, all can still be complimented by the human voice when read aloud.
Nature is not perfect and neither is science, but, both proven to be stalwartly entities infused within our order and our evolutionary practice of social and moral virtue. They are a reflection of who we are as masons, and fuel our potential transformation from the rough to a respectable example of a citizen of the world. In masonic terms, practice will aid in achieving “perfection” even if it does take a lifetime.
I congratulate the Officers and our candidate Bro. Jeron Hall for their preparedness and quality work at our September emergent meeting. The evening went very well and was complimented by a marvellous recital of Traditional History by a guest mason Bro. Andre Delaney. The accolades from our peers are inspiring and a testament to you, a living library we address as the Craft. Sincerely & Fraternally,
W. Bro. Matt Pindera
WM, Corinthian Lodge 96