Let me first take a moment to invite you back to those morals of harmony, motivation and of course convention. I am honoured to once again be your humble representative in the East. Welcome back to Lodge.

Grand Lodge’s Annual Communication took place once again in Richmond Hill throughout July 17th & 18th. I was feeling very proud to accompany five other Masters from Georgian South District at such an important Masonic function. It was an even greater moment for Corinthian Lodge as V.W. Bro. Garry Perkins received a well-deserved Appointment to the Board of General Purposes as the Chair for the Social Media Committee. I will have a separate report regarding the Grand Master’s Address distributed to compliment this Summons.

Corinthian Lodge held a Committee of General Purposes meeting at 7:00pm on August 21st, 2024 at 99 Morrow Rd. It was well attended and important topics on the agenda regarding the 2024-25 operating budget, the Master’s Trestle Board, committees and the status of our Cornerstone Project were discussed. The minutes from this meeting are available for the perusal of all Corinthian Brethren.

The next few months are shaping up to be vibrant: for September we have two applicants that have been waiting, patiently, since the spring to have their applications balloted. All abled Corinthian brethren are encouraged to participate in this process by attending our first Regular Meeting on September 5th and exercise their democratic privilege. This is a very important moment for these two gentlemen who have expressed interest in the Craft and particularly our Lodge, therefore a response from a sincere quorum is desirable.

The operating budget for Corinthian Lodge will also need to be voted on by the membership. Come and have your say.

At our September 12th Emergent meeting Bro. Jeron Hall, a regular visitor at all lodges throughout Georgian South District, is to be Raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. We are expecting Brethren from other districts such as Barbados and Toronto to attend. This is an important step in Bro. Hall’s Masonic Journey so please join us to recognize this accomplishment.

I look forward to reuniting with you all on the level once again. Whether a Master Mason, Lodge Officer, or a Past Master, “true” Masons strive to carry their “working tools” with them at all times for the betterment of their station in life and the society surrounding them.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

W. Bro. Matt Pindera

WM, Corinthian Lodge 96