Message form the East-January

Brethren as Christmas is now past, I hope that everyone had a fabulous day with their families. For those that helped others during this time, thank you for exemplifying what a Mason is.

As we approach the New Year, there will be many resolutions made, some forgotten, some kept, and like most many broken. Many well-intentioned plans are made but we fail to execute. If you intend to become a better Mason and leader within our Lodge in 2023, prepare yourself now for some hard work. Study, learn and change your habits. Assess your capabilities and knowledge to find your strengths and weaknesses. Start to build on and practice your strengths. Begin building relationships with your Lodge Brothers and discuss your personal vision as well as your vision for Masonry with the brethren of our Lodge.

We all should make some New Year's resolutions and continue to improve ourselves as Masons by reminding ourselves of these things we can achieve, that is: becoming a better man, a better Mason and a better Leader in our community.

As in past messages from the east, I have highlighted the importance of fraternal visits by Corinthian brethren this year. In this light several brethren attended to Zeredatha Lodge No.220 in Uxbridge for their Installation. The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Jamie Ireland was also in attendance accompanied by several other present Grand Lodge officers and members of the Board, making it a fabulous night. I encourage other brethren to become engaged in attending for fraternal visits where time permits.

For our regular meeting in January, Brother David Black will be raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. This will be our first third degree of the year so I encourage all officers to ensure they are ready for the degree, so we make it a fabulous night for Bro. Black. There will be no emergent meeting in January, but rather we will be visiting a Lodge which I will advise at the regular meeting.

And remember: We do because it is in our hearts, not because we want something in return!

To all our Brethren of Corinthian Lodge No.96 and in the Georgian South District, Happy Hogmanay!

W. Bro. Glen Furlong