
As we move into our final Masonic month before Installation, we will be very busy with elections on our regular meeting night and step up for our newly elected and appointed officers on our emergent night. We will be accepting nominations for several of the primary officers roles and voting on same. Worshipful Brothers Crawford, McAloney, and Drury of Kerr Lodge will be assisting with elections as scrutineers.

On the regular meeting night, we will also be passing Bro. Sunny Kamra to the second degree and on the emergent night passing Bro. Nithin Liviero to the 2nd degree, so officers please ensure you have your roles looked after.

Our April regular meeting which was held on the emergent night, had now Bro. Mario Garcia initiated into Freemasonry in due form and the night was a great success. Bro. Garcia was a trooper pushing through the pain of a recent surgery to get through the night. The officers did a great job and it was clearly appreciated by Bro. Garcia. We all look forward to Bro. Garcia becoming very involved in Corinthian Lodge.

Let's get a great turnout for our elections and subsequent step-up night and end our year with a bang. With just one more Summons to write in my very own Masonic year as Master of Corinthian it leaves me in awe as to how quickly the year has gone by. As you know brethren it is my greatest honour to have served as Master of our Lodge.


Freemasonry embraces the highest moral laws and will bear the test of any system of ethics or philosophy ever promulgated for the uplift of man. -Douglas McArther

W. Bro. Glen Furlong

Worshipful Master